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September 6, 2019

September 6th – First week of school

Hebrew What an incredible first week of Hebrew in 3rd grade! This week, as it was our first week back, we focused on the topic of introduction and reviewed the thematic unit “Me and my school environment”. The goal of this week was to become more comfortable in speaking, to have fun in Hebrew and to review past learned vocabulary. We played games and drew pictures as they follow instructions. These were activities were focused on communicating when following or giving directions. It allowed students to follow instructions, pay attention to details and improve verbal skills when they needed to...
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A Fantastic First Week!

Humanities This first week of 8th grade in Humanities was really so wonderful! We started off the year by discussing what “shape” we think the planet is in. What makes it in good shape, what makes it in bad shape? In their discussion, the 8th graders named the major issues that the world faces today: global warming, poverty, income inequality, the oppression of women, xenophobia, homophobia. Students collaborated to make poster representations. Here’s one example from Isaac, Zephyr, Dov, and Ilan.               Judaic Studies I was so happy to see all of your wonderful...
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First Grade News

What an exciting first week of school!  This week the first graders loved meeting everyone and building community within the classroom.  We welcomed many new students to the group.  In order to get to know one another we played games like “pop up and pop down” to learn what we have in common and different, and shared some of our favorite things, like ice cream and animals. We even designed and created our own ice cream cones!  This week the students learned classroom routines and procedures and settled in to being back at school. In writing, students enjoyed making a...
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First Week of Second Grade!

Community Building   What a wonderful beginning to second grade we’ve had! In the first week of school we began building our classroom community through playing games to learn more about each other, practicing new routines, and discussions about how to make our classroom a place where everyone can learn their best. We played “our favorites” game, where we learned each other’s favorite ice cream flavor, hobbies, and more. We played a team building game where in small groups students had an elastic band with pieces of strings attached to it. The objective of the game was to stack cups...
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First Week in Fourth Grade

Fourth Grade General Studies It has been a wonderful first three days of school.  We have spent time getting to know each other, including the ways that we are similar and different. For example, while many of us have siblings, like sports, and live in Brooklyn, only a few of us went to sleep away camp or can wiggle our ears. And only one of us lives in Manhattan, has a pet bird named Yasha, or has three children! We have also spent time setting up the classroom, including sewing pillow covers, making labels, and filling out the September calendar. ...
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